
2006: Site Update History

14 Updates in total, one of my best years for consistency despite having started a completely exhaustive job in mid-August of the year. This was also the final year that the site would be hosted by Rodenta's Web Hosting.

Website Updated: 1-18-2006

First update of the new year.

Another page of Chat Symbols has been added for your viewing pleasure.

The Guestbook is back online. It had to be taken offline last month (December) due to a daily attack by an automated spammer program.

Website Updated: 1-23-2006 at 4:55 p.m. EST

Several minor changes have been made to the HTML here and there. Most noticeably to the picture index pages.

The PSO 5th Anniversary website link is now on the Links page.

Another item has been added to the Museum's JP section.

An EU region PSO V2 SN/AK has been added to the Serial Number/Access Key page.

Website Updated: 2-16-2006 at 6:55 p.m. EST

Picture Index #7 has been added.

An apology to those of you who have taken the time to download the pso_tgs_2002.avi from the Video section of the site. I discovered, just this week, that I failed to cut over a minute of unrelated video from the end of the file.

Website Updated: 3-16-2006 at 7:35 p.m. EST

The Links section has been updated again. Now with three additional links added!

Index #8 has been added! Another Fifty additional in-game pictures for your viewing enjoyment.

Layout of the main page (your viewing it) has been switched around a bit.

Website Updated: 3-28-2006 at 9:26 p.m. EST

On March 19th, 2005, PSO Archive began using
Extrememe Tracking as it's site visitor counter program. As of March 19th, 2006, Extrememe Tracking has recorded 2,072 "unique" site visits and 2,672 site visits including reloads. Of those visits, as many as 77 of were made using a Sega Dreamcast!

Introducing PSO Data Bank, a new expansion of PSO Archive that contains helpful in-game information for PSO games. This new expansion contains new content and is also where the charts are now located.

Website Updated: 4-18-2006 at 10:55 a.m. EST

Easter has come and gone once more. This year the Easter Decorations on the Pioneer 2 were only up for one day, Easter day. The Decorations were put up at or on 12:00:01 a.m. England time (gmt 0) Easter day.

Another PSU trailer has been added to the Videos section.

One item has been added to the Museum.

Added a EU PSO V1 SN/AK to the SN/AK's page.

Website Updated: 4-23-2006 at 11:20 a.m. EST

On April 20th it was announced that as of May 20th the Japanese versions of Dreamcast PSO will become free to play online. Sega of Japan's Isao division is claiming that the dropping of the monthly fee, which has been in place since the very beginning over five years ago, is because of an upgrade to their Verisign payment system. The new security features in the upgrade will render the payment system inaccessible to any Dreamcast based web browser.

On April 19th, Sega issued a press release which confirms a third platform for the highly anticipated Phantasy Star Universe (PSU),which is scheduled for release sometime this fall. Microsoft's Xbox 360 now joins the PC and Sony's Playstation 2 as a PSU platform.

A new link has been added to the Links page. You can now get to Dreamcast Help from PSO Archive.

Website Updated: 5-17-2006 at 11:40 a.m. EST

Two items have been added to the Museum, one in each section.

The Guestbook is out of order. Just noticed a couple of days ago that for some reason it is not possible for anyone to sign the Guestbook. Not sure how long the problem has been there, but hope to have it fixed soon.

On April 20th it was announced that as of May 20th the Japanese versions of Dreamcast PSO will become free to play online. Sega of Japan's Isao division is claiming that the dropping of the monthly fee, which has been in place since the very beginning over five years ago, is because of an upgrade to their Verisign payment system. The new security features in the upgrade will render the payment system inaccessible to any Dreamcast based web browser.

On April 19th, Sega issued a press release which confirms a third platform for the highly anticipated Phantasy Star Universe (PSU),which is scheduled for release sometime this fall. Microsoft's Xbox 360 now joins the PC and Sony's Playstation 2 as a PSU platform.

Website Updated: 7-02-2006 at 5:02 p.m. EST

The long awaited Index #9 is now here. Fifty more pictures for your viewing enjoyment.

The Guestbook is still out of order. Don't know why, it just refuses to work.

Website Updated: 8-10-2006 at 1:35 p.m. EST

A link to another great site has been added to the Links section. Be sure to check it out!
The Guestbook is not repairable. Turns out it stopped working because the webhost upgraded the server-side security.
One new item has been added to the US section of the Museum.
Affiliate website Dreamcast Magic's Administrator has posted a link to a blog which details information about the status of the rebuilding of the site. Check it out if you get the chance.

Website Updated: 10-05-2006 at 1:01 p.m. EST

First update in nearly two months.
Presently working on making unnoticeable changes to the links in all five hundred or so of the HTML pages that currenty make up PSO Archive.
The PC and PlayStation 2 versions of Phantasy Star Universe we're released August 31st in Japan. Sega of America (SoA) has scheduled the US release of all three versions (Xbox 360, PC, and PS2) for October 24th, 2006.
Affiliate website Dreamcast Magic will be relaunching this month.

Website Updated: 10-13-2006 at 10:21 a.m. EST

Picture Index #10 has been added! Fifty more pictures for your viewing enjoyment.
Affiliate website Dreamcast Magic relaunched on October 9th, be sure to check it out.
Still working on making unnoticeable changes to the links in all five hundred or so of the HTML pages that currenty make up PSO Archive.
The PC and PlayStation 2 versions of Phantasy Star Universe we're released August 31st in Japan. Sega of America (SoA) has scheduled the US release of all three versions (Xbox 360, PC, and PS2) for October 24th, 2006.

Website Updated: 12-7-2006 at 8:01 p.m. EST

A new item has been added to the JP section of the Museum.
First site update in a while. There will be at least two more updates before year's end, enjoy!
The PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox 360 versions of Phantasy Star Universe we're officially released on October 24th, 2006, in the U.S.A.. However, due to a shipping problem of some sort, stores in most areas of the country did not receive PSU until two or more days after the launch.
Affiliate website Dreamcast Magic relaunched on October 9th, be sure to check it out.
The PSO 5th Anniversarry website has officially gone offline.

Website Updated: 12-19-2006 at 10:46 p.m. EST

The 6th Anniversary begins on Wednesday December 20th at 10:00 AM EST (GMT -5) and ends on Thursday the 21st at 10 AM EST (GMT -5). So come online whenever you can during that time frame.
May you all have a very Merry Christmas!
Sega, on December 8th, 2006, announced that the official servers for all Dreamcast and Game Cube versions of PSO are scheduled to close at 11:59 p.m. (Japanese Time) on March 31st, 2007. That's 9:59 a.m. EST (GMT -5) on March 31st, 2007.
The PSO 5th Anniversarry website has officially gone offline.


Website Copyright 2009 by game player s, created and maintained by game player s. Phantasy Star Online and Dreamcast are copyrighted by Sega. If you have any questions, comments, or problems (with pictures, links, etc...) click here.