
2010: Site Update History

Just one lonely update in all of 2010. I can only accuse myself of laziness on this matter.

Website Updated: 10-23-2010 at 6:42 p.m. EST

Happy Birthday! PSO Archive is now seven years old. ^_^

History & Past Announcements section has been updated with last year's lone update entry added.

The US section of the Museum has been updated with five, yes five, new items added! Additionally the US section has undergone minor design improvements to the HTML to enhance the viewing experience. The JP section will be undergoing this same treatment next update.

New exhibit item pictures added to the Museum will be at higher resolutions than previously used from here on out. Dreamcast Web Browsers are still capable of loading and viewing the new item pictures, but the images, mostly, will be larger than what the Dreamcast can show on screen at once. This decision was carefully considered, and ultimately was decided based on how tiny some of the existing images appear on current high resolution PC monitors.

12/21/2000 - 12/21/2010: The 10th Anniversary of Phantasy Star Online is drawing near. How will you celebrate the occasion?

Earlier this month at the Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2010, Sega made a bomb shell of an announcement. Phantasy Star Online 2 is now in development for the PC. It's rumored that a Sega representitive at the event had said that a console version of the new game is also being developed, but that he wouldn't say which, if any, of the current consoles it is. All we know for certain at this point is that the game is in a very early development stage and that additional news regarding the game may not be released until 2011.

Check out the official Phantasy Star Online 2 Japanese announcement and gawk at the trailer for yourselves:

One last piece of site news to report this update. Do to technical difficulties and extreme server security vulnerabilities I have had to terminate the Guestbook. I will attempt to bring it back online by next update, however, in a viewing mode only state. Meaning it will no longer be able to accept new entries. This isn't something I really want to do, but the last time the webhost (SegaForums) was hacked this entire site, save for the Guestbook and its supporting files were erased. It didn't take long to discover that some of the files had been modified and that there were around 30MB of additional mystery files in the Guestbook application folder that I didn't put there. Since this discovery and the immediate termination of the Guestbook a few months ago there have been no further successful hacker attacks to the host server or this site.


Website Copyright 2011 by game player s, created and maintained by game player s. Phantasy Star Online and Dreamcast are copyrighted by Sega. If you have any questions, comments, or problems (with pictures, links, etc...) click here.